GoHighLevel Automation: My Secret to Saving Time

June 5, 2024

Go High Level Automation

I want to share something amazing that has totally transformed the way I run my business: GoHighLevel automation. When I first started, I spent so much time on repetitive tasks like sending emails, scheduling appointments, and following up with clients. It was exhausting and took away from more important work.

Then I discovered GoHighLevel’s automation feature, and everything changed. Automation allows me to set up tasks and processes that run by themselves. This means less manual work for me and more time to focus on growing my business. In this blog post, I’ll explain how I use GoHighLevel automation, the benefits it brings, and why it’s been a game-changer for me. Let’s dive in and see how automation can make your life easier too!

Types of Automation in GoHighLevel

GoHighLevel offers different types of automation that can make managing your business so much easier. Here are some of the main types of automation I use and how they help me save time and stay organized:

Email Automation

Email automation allows me to send pre-written emails at the right time without lifting a finger. For example, when a new client signs up, they automatically get a welcome email. I also have follow-up email sequences that keep clients engaged and informed about my services.

SMS Automation

Similar to email automation, SMS automation lets me send text messages to clients automatically. I use this for appointment reminders, special offers, and quick updates. Clients appreciate the timely messages, and I don’t have to worry about remembering to send them.

Appointment Automation

Setting and managing appointments can be a hassle, but not with GoHighLevel’s appointment automation. Clients can book appointments online, and the system sends confirmation messages and reminders automatically. This reduces no-shows and keeps my schedule organized.

Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is like having a personal assistant. I can set up a series of actions that happen automatically based on certain triggers. For example, when a lead fills out a form on my website, GoHighLevel can add them to my CRM, send them a thank-you email, and schedule a follow-up call. It’s all done without me having to do anything manually.

Task Automation

Task automation helps me stay on top of my to-do list. When certain conditions are met, like a new client signing up or a project reaching a milestone, GoHighLevel automatically creates tasks for me or my team. This ensures nothing falls through the cracks and everything gets done on time.

Social Media Automation

Posting regularly on social media is important, but it can be time-consuming. With GoHighLevel, I can schedule posts in advance and automate the process. This keeps my social media presence active and engaging without me having to log in every day.

Setting Up Email Automation in GoHighLevel

Setting up email automation in GoHighLevel is easy and can save you a lot of time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how I set up my email automation to keep my clients informed and engaged.

Step 1: Create an Email Template

First, I create the email templates I want to use. These are pre-written emails that will be sent automatically. To do this:

  1. Go to the “Marketing” section in GoHighLevel.
  2. Click on “Email Marketing” and then “Templates.”
  3. Click the “Create New Template” button.
  4. Write your email, add any images or links, and make sure it looks good.
  5. Save the template with a name that’s easy to remember.

Step 2: Set Up a Trigger

Next, I set up a trigger that tells GoHighLevel when to send the email. A trigger is an event that starts the automation, like a new client signing up. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the “Automation” section.
  2. Click “Create Workflow” and give it a name.
  3. Click on “Add New Trigger.”
  4. Choose the trigger event, such as “New Contact Created” or “Form Submitted.”
  5. Save the trigger.

Step 3: Add the Email Action

Now, I add the action that sends the email when the trigger happens. Here’s what to do:

  1. In the same workflow, click “Add Action.”
  2. Choose “Send Email.”
  3. Select the email template you created earlier.
  4. Customize any details, like the sender’s name or subject line.
  5. Save the action.

Step 4: Test the Automation

Before going live, I always test the automation to make sure everything works correctly. To test:

  1. Go back to the workflow you created.
  2. Click “Test” and follow the prompts to simulate the trigger event.
  3. Check your email to see if the automated email was sent correctly.

Step 5: Activate the Workflow

Once everything looks good, it’s time to activate the workflow:

  1. Go to the workflow and click “Activate.”
  2. Now, whenever the trigger event happens, GoHighLevel will automatically send the email you set up.

Setting Up SMS Automation in GoHighLevel

Setting up SMS automation in GoHighLevel is super easy and really helpful for keeping in touch with your clients. Here’s a simple guide on how I set up my SMS automation to make sure my clients always get the messages they need.

Step 1: Create an SMS Template

First, you need to create the SMS messages you want to send automatically. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the “Marketing” section in GoHighLevel.
  2. Click on “SMS Marketing” and then “Templates.”
  3. Click the “Create New Template” button.
  4. Write your SMS message. Keep it short and clear.
  5. Save the template with a name that’s easy to remember.

Step 2: Set Up a Trigger

Next, set up a trigger that tells GoHighLevel when to send the SMS. A trigger is an event that starts the automation, like a new client signing up. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the “Automation” section.
  2. Click “Create Workflow” and give it a name.
  3. Click on “Add New Trigger.”
  4. Choose the trigger event, such as “New Contact Created” or “Appointment Booked.”
  5. Save the trigger.

Step 3: Add the SMS Action

Now, add the action that sends the SMS when the trigger happens. Here’s what to do:

  1. In the same workflow, click “Add Action.”
  2. Choose “Send SMS.”
  3. Select the SMS template you created earlier.
  4. Customize any details, like the sender’s name if needed.
  5. Save the action.

Step 4: Test the Automation

Before going live, always test the automation to make sure everything works correctly. To test:

  1. Go back to the workflow you created.
  2. Click “Test” and follow the prompts to simulate the trigger event.
  3. Check your phone to see if the automated SMS was sent correctly.

Step 5: Activate the Workflow

Once everything looks good, it’s time to activate the workflow:

  1. Go to the workflow and click “Activate.”
  2. Now, whenever the trigger event happens, GoHighLevel will automatically send the SMS you set up.

Setting Up Appointment Automation in GoHighLevel

Appointment Setting Automation - Go High Level

Setting up appointment automation in GoHighLevel is a fantastic way to manage your schedule and make sure clients never miss an appointment. Here’s how I set up my appointment automation to keep things running smoothly.

Step 1: Set Up Your Calendar

First, you need to set up your calendar in GoHighLevel so clients can book appointments:

  1. Go to the “Calendars” section in GoHighLevel.
  2. Click on “Create New Calendar.”
  3. Fill in your availability, appointment duration, and any other details.
  4. Save your calendar settings.

Step 2: Create an Appointment Form

Next, create a form that clients will fill out to book an appointment:

  1. Go to the “Forms” section.
  2. Click on “Create New Form.”
  3. Add fields like name, email, phone number, and any other information you need.
  4. Save the form and connect it to your calendar.

Step 3: Set Up a Trigger

Now, set up a trigger that starts the automation when someone books an appointment:

  1. Go to the “Automation” section.
  2. Click “Create Workflow” and give it a name.
  3. Click on “Add New Trigger.”
  4. Choose the trigger event, like “Appointment Booked.”
  5. Save the trigger.

Step 4: Add Reminder Actions

Add actions to send reminders before the appointment. Here’s how:

  1. In the same workflow, click “Add Action.”
  2. Choose “Send SMS” or “Send Email.”
  3. Select your reminder template or write a new reminder message.
  4. Set the timing for the reminders, like 24 hours before the appointment and 1 hour before.
  5. Save the actions.

Step 5: Test the Automation

Before going live, test the automation to make sure everything works correctly:

  1. Go back to the workflow you created.
  2. Click “Test” and follow the prompts to simulate an appointment booking.
  3. Check your email and phone to see if the reminders were sent correctly.

Step 6: Activate the Workflow

Once everything looks good, activate the workflow:

  1. Go to the workflow and click “Activate.”
  2. Now, whenever someone books an appointment, GoHighLevel will automatically send the reminders you set up.

Setting Up Task Automation in GoHighLevel

Automation Setup Interface on Go High Level

Setting up task automation in GoHighLevel is a great way to stay organized and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Here’s how I set up my task automation to keep my team on track and my business running smoothly.

Step 1: Define Your Tasks

First, think about the tasks you want to automate. These could be follow-up calls, email reminders, or any other regular activities. Write down the steps you need for each task.

Step 2: Create a New Workflow

Now, let’s create a workflow to automate these tasks:

  1. Go to the “Automation” section in GoHighLevel.
  2. Click on “Create Workflow” and give it a name related to the tasks you want to automate.
  3. Click “Add New Trigger” to start setting up your workflow.

Step 3: Set Up Triggers

Triggers are events that start your workflow. Here’s how to set them up:

  1. Choose the trigger event, like “New Contact Created” or “Appointment Booked.”
  2. Customize any conditions for the trigger, like only triggering for specific contacts or appointments.
  3. Save the trigger.

Step 4: Add Task Actions

Next, add actions to create tasks automatically. Here’s how:

  1. Click “Add Action.”
  2. Choose “Create Task.”
  3. Fill in the details for the task, such as the task name, description, and due date.
  4. Assign the task to yourself or a team member.
  5. Save the action.

Step 5: Set Up Reminders

If you want to make sure tasks are completed on time, add reminder actions:

  1. Click “Add Action” again.
  2. Choose “Send SMS” or “Send Email.”
  3. Write a reminder message about the task.
  4. Set the timing for the reminder, like a day before the task is due.
  5. Save the reminder action.

Step 6: Test Your Workflow

Before using your workflow, test it to make sure everything works:

  1. Go back to the workflow you created.
  2. Click “Test” and follow the prompts to simulate the trigger event.
  3. Check if the tasks are created and reminders are sent as expected.

Step 7: Activate Your Workflow

Once you’re happy with your workflow, activate it:

  1. Go to the workflow and click “Activate.”
  2. Now, whenever the trigger event happens, GoHighLevel will automatically create the tasks and send reminders.

Examples of Task Automation

Here are some examples of how I use task automation:

  • New Lead Follow-Up: When a new lead is added, a task is created to call them within 24 hours.
  • Appointment Preparation: Before a client meeting, a task is created to prepare necessary documents and materials.
  • Customer Check-Ins: Regular check-in tasks are created to follow up with clients every month.

Setting Up Social Media Automation in GoHighLevel

Setting up social media automation in GoHighLevel is a great way to keep your social media presence active without spending all your time posting. Here’s how I set up my social media automation to keep my followers engaged and my business growing.

Social Media Automation With GoHighLevel

Step 1: Connect Your Social Media Accounts

First, you need to connect your social media accounts to GoHighLevel:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section in GoHighLevel.
  2. Click on “Integrations.”
  3. Find the social media platforms you use (like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn) and click “Connect.”
  4. Follow the prompts to log in and authorize GoHighLevel to access your accounts.

Step 2: Create Your Posts

Next, create the content you want to post on your social media:

  1. Go to the “Marketing” section.
  2. Click on “Social Planner” or “Social Media.”
  3. Click “Create New Post.”
  4. Write your post, add images or links, and make sure it looks good.
  5. Save the post as a draft if you want to come back to it later.

Step 3: Schedule Your Posts

Now, schedule when you want your posts to go live:

  1. In the “Social Planner” section, click on your saved post.
  2. Click “Schedule Post.”
  3. Choose the date and time you want your post to be published.
  4. Repeat this for each post you want to schedule.
  5. Save your schedule.

Step 4: Set Up Automation Workflows (Optional)

If you want to get more advanced, you can set up workflows to automate even more:

  1. Go to the “Automation” section.
  2. Click “Create Workflow” and give it a name.
  3. Click “Add New Trigger” and choose an event like “New Lead Created” or “New Sale.”
  4. Click “Add Action” and choose “Send Social Post.”
  5. Select the post you created and customize any details.
  6. Save the action and activate the workflow.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust

After your posts are scheduled, keep an eye on how they’re doing:

  1. Go to the “Reports” or “Analytics” section.
  2. Check the performance of your social media posts, like engagement and reach.
  3. Make adjustments to your strategy based on what’s working and what’s not.


Using automation in GoHighLevel has transformed how I run my business, and it can do the same for you. Automating tasks like emails, SMS messages, appointments, workflows, tasks, and social media posts saves a ton of time and ensures nothing falls through the cracks. It helps maintain consistency, improve efficiency, and provide a professional experience for clients.

Benefits of Automation

Time Savings

Automation takes care of repetitive tasks, giving you more time to focus on expanding your business and providing excellent service to your clients. This means less manual work and more time for strategic activities.


With automation, every interaction with clients is uniform, helping to build trust and present a professional image. Clients will always receive the same high-quality experience, which enhances your brand’s reputation.


Automated workflows and tasks ensure everything is completed on schedule, minimizing the risk of mistakes and missed opportunities. This leads to smoother operations and better management of tasks.


As your business grows, automation can handle the increased workload without requiring additional staff. This allows your business to scale efficiently, managing more clients and tasks with the same resources.

Potential of Automation

The potential of automation is immense. It can streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, and drive business growth. By leveraging GoHighLevel's automation features, businesses can stay ahead of the competition, provide top-notch service, and scale efficiently.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating automation into your business processes with GoHighLevel is a smart move. It not only helps manage current tasks more effectively but also sets your business up for future growth. If you haven’t explored automation yet, now is the perfect time to start. Embrace the power of automation and watch your business thrive!

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